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Public Speaking
Members of the public may speak at the monthly school board meeting by signing in prior to the meeting. The person must give name and address, and must speak on an agenda item on that month’s agenda. At the appropriate time during the meeting, the chairman will acknowledge the public speaker who will then be asked to speak. Remarks by the public speaker will be limited to five minutes.
School Board Meetings
The Board will transact all business at official meetings which may be either regular or special. Every meeting of the Board, except with the attorney to discuss pending or threatened litigation, will be open to the public. Open meetings will be physically accessible to all students, employees and interested citizens. Persons requesting accommodations in order to attend Board meetings should contact the System ADA Coordinator.
Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at a predetermined location. In instances when any regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be rescheduled by the chairman. Board Work Session are each third Tuesday.
Special Meetings
The Board shall hold such special meetings as necessary to transact the business of the Board. Such meetings shall be called by the chairman whenever, in his/her judgment, the interests of the schools require it, or when requested to do so by a majority of the Board. The September Regular Board meeting shall be a reorganization meeting, at which time the newly elected members will be recognized, and members will reaffirm the Board Code of Ethics. Only business related to the call of the meeting, and details related to agenda items shall be discussed or transacted by the Board at a special meeting.
Adjourned Meetings
Any regular or special meeting of the Board may be adjourned to a specific time and place. Policy Manual of the Maury County Board of Education, 1.600 Public Hearings.
Any individual(s) requesting a hearing before the Board will make such request in writing stating the purpose of the hearing and the action desired. In the case of contesting a school assignment, the specific reasons for requesting the transfer shall be stated. All requests for hearings must be received by the Board or Superintendent of Schools within the time limit prescribed by law for that category of hearing. Policy Manual of the Maury County Board of Education, 1.601.